Friday, July 31, 2009

Have your say!

Feel free to put a copy here of any comment you place at any BT blog that moderates because they dislike dissent. Just indicate where you put it, and when. Once another comment appears at such a site, you know the operator was forced to read your words. I think it's hilarious when they have to read you, and then they have to fume without responding, otherwise appear hypocritical. But their posts are usually full of hypocrisy anyway.


liberal supporter said...

===== hunter July 31
I dream of seeing the look on all their faces after a Harper majority win. It brings a smile to my

face everytime
Dream on, bonehead! Hunter is now exemplifying the secretive Harper government, and what a majority

Harper police state would look like.

Even wilson/Kory is here now, where she/he can peddle the Party line to the rubes. wilson really dislikes

anyone disagreeing, just like the Harpocracy she works for.

So just what work should you have been doing while you were fooling around on your blog, yet again.

Aren't you worried about being fired? Or is it because you are a paid CPC operative?


liberal supporter said...

==== hunter July 31 4pm (names removed)
Goofing off at the office again, I see! Shouldn't you be paying more attention to your work? You can't afford to get fired now. What with -----'s reduced hours, how will you keep ----- in iPods?

Too bad you just have to read my words and you can't say anything back now without looking even more like a fool in front of your circle of fools.

This blog must feel like family dinners where you have to keep your mouth shut, then go talk to your other extremist friends to blow off steam.


liberal supporter said...

===== hunter august 4
Wow - that is terrible. We are sure getting some wierd weather this year.
But there's no such thing as climate change?

On a different note - Hunter, I love coming to your blog, now. The absence of trolls is so refreshing - no more distraction, ignorance, etc.
Yes, no more distraction from the lie pipeline out of the PMO. It's useful to us normal people too, because without any dissent, you reveal more and more your radical far right wing agenda. The election ads write themselves.

And, Hunter, don't ever allow a commenter to make fun of your name or figure, ever again. You are too fine a person to have to suffer that sort of crap.
Speaking of crushes....

And you're forced to read my words again, without being able to respond, you useful idiot!


liberal supporter said...

===== hunter August 7
Shorter hunter:
The media are all making stuff up and presenting opinion which we should not believe since it conflicts with the CPC party line.

However, we should believe hunter, when she presents opinion and makes things up, since her words always conform to the CPC party line, as of the latest BT talking points fax.

Looks like you need trolls to keep you honest, you silly buffoon!


liberal supporter said...

====== hunter August 10
So you whine in your previous post about how you deserve a job because of your degree. Now I see you may have found a way to get paid.

Did you get paid for this current post? If not, you must really be steamed. The US health insurance and pharmaceuticals industry is spending $1 MILLION A DAY to derail Obama's health care plans. They paid off Shona Holmes' mortgage; you remember the lady who mortgaged her house to get a cyst removed, which she now claims was a tumour that would kill her in Ontario. You'd think they'd pay you for helping them out too.

Did they pay you for this hack piece?


liberal supporter said...

===== hunter August 11
I agree, they shouldn't carry their campaign to the kids or the restaurants.

So I must assume you are also against anti-choicers exposing us to abortion porn, right?

liberal supporter said...

====== hunter August 12
Blogging on company time again, eh? Maybe you'll get fired just in time to get a job with the CPC to implement your suggestions. Why not ask Joan Titnor how she got her sinecure?


liberal supporter said...

==== hunter August 14
Oops, guess somebody is wrong, and it's not Fox.
That's right. It's you that's wrong. Just as I keep an eye on you to point out your endless lies and laugh at your attempts to spin them away, lots of people watch Fox news to see how completely stupid the Palinbots can actually be.

For example where else would you go to hear about Sawah's latest plan for death panels? Instead of a faceless insurance company death panel deciding your fate based on your profitability to them, Sawah wants a death panel that can avoid all those messy problems and simply look at your voter registration. It's so much simpler: Republican, you live. Democrat, you die.


liberal supporter said...

===== hunter August 17
Meanwhile, I continue to burn propane, and the inside of my propane refrigerator stays cold, only because of the heat applied. Your "theory" is that if we have more heat, it should be warmer everywhere. How does your theory account for the inside of my propane refrigerator staying cold due to application of heat?

How do you account for the fact that it is winter in Australia right now? Based on your "theory", everywhere in the world is the same temperature.

The earth absorbs heat from the sun, and radiates some of it back into space. Global warming means the net between heat from the sun and re-radiation is increasing, so we have more heat energy overall.

You can dispute the science that says we are experiencing warming, but you are making all the sceptics look stupid with your silly claims that there is no global warming solely based on the fact that your backyard is having a bad year.

Are there Taliban in your backyard? If not, why should we be killing them someplace else? Based on your extremely myopic view, if it isn't happening in your yard, it isn't happening anywhere. Yet you believe Taliban exist. On exactly what basis? Have you ever seen one? No. You are a Talibans-exist believer solely because of what the media says.

So your view is essentially one of hypocrisy, based solely one what the CPC position is on something. Perhaps you could try thinking for yourself sometime. You might like it.


liberal supporter said...

===== hunter August 17
Free speech, eh?

On a moderated blog! The jokes write themselves, you silly hypocrite!

Nice day to shirk your work so you can run your blog too. Hope you don't get fired, you won't be able to rely on your garden this year.


liberal supporter said...

=== hunter August 18
So much vigourous discussion on this moderated blog.

Why does the Steynmeister spell it the US way?


liberal supporter said...

====== hunter August 19
So in other words, the hyper paranoid CPC government was wrong. Again.

liberal supporter said...

========== hunter August 19
All in favour of blocking Bismark's comments raise your hands and say 'aye'.
Speaking of hall monitors, and pro-communists, sheesh!

No wonder you're still "climbing" out of the dark. It would seem you have a very long way to go, to get out of the depths of hypocrisy.


liberal supporter said...

==== hunter August 19
Goofing off on company time again, eh?

Other than your flirtation with allowing dissent yesterday, your blog continues to feature only the opinions of Blogging Iqualuits.

All is quiet indeed.


liberal supporter said...

==== hunter August 20
Not only are the usual sycophants here bums, they are Iqualuits.

East of Iqualuit. Now that's a fitting name.


liberal supporter said...

==== hunter August 21
What a load of baloney.

The fact is that rising living standards and especially education of girls leads to lowered birth rates. It used to be those Catholics having so many kids, but once the discrimination ended and they could live like everyone else, their birth rates dropped. So it is for Muslims living here.

liberal supporter said...

====== hunter August 24
And They Think Palin Is Dumb?
No, you're dumb. Palin is dumber.

Walked right into that one, eh huckster?


liberal supporter said...

===== hunter August 24
What a stupid idea.
You are the expert in having stupid ideas. You show it everyday.

Even your rubes grow tired of you, huckster. You claim "lefties" are attacking you, but show no proof as usual. Think anyone believes you?

I'm sure you're grinding your teeth, hoping that someday you will be sitting on the death panel to judge all those lefties that made fun of you.

Why do you have to lie to make a point?


liberal supporter said...

==== hunter August 26
Funny I don't hear the judges talking about our Charter of Rights when it comes to some provinces having an unequal share of MP's for their population. I thought our system was based on representation by population.
You're right! So you support correcting this imbalance, no?

Silly me.
Yes you are silly.

The West, comprising Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, BC, Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut put together:

30.22% of the population of Canada
30.84% of the seats in Parliament.

You have one seat too many. When may we expect it to be returned?

liberal supporter said...

==== hunter August 28
Steve appoints someone who is illiterate in both official languages.

Even Caligula only threatened to appoint his horse to the Senate he disdained.

Will Steve want to be deified, as Caesar did, should he get a majority?

It will be so refreshing to breath the sweet fresh air of freedom, when people can again be proud of being intelligent and literate, instead of having to play dumb for the Philistines.

liberal supporter said...

==== hunter Sept 1
And the huckster craziness continues! You and the entire CPC remind me of the cast of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
You do know how it ends, don't you?

Someone says "Time's up"


liberal supporter said...

==== hunter 09-03
Just imagine what the PM could have done if he had got his majority last time-
Yes, maryt. In fact, that is the campaign theme. We could have had Governor Harper, and we might even have risen to the same status as Guam by now. Not quite a US state, but no longer a country. That is what the CPC stands for. Harper says we are a second rate country. I beg to differ with you traitors.

Moaning about free speech, while denying the same to anyone who disagrees. That is the CPC plan.

Are the Conservatives Chicken? YES.
You should be. Your numerous hidden agendas are not wanted by Canadians. Go for your "7000 votes away from a majority". See how far you get. Now that you don't have someone like Dion to bash and misrepresent, the 800,000 liberals who stayed home last time will be out to send the lying Harper neofascists packing.


Anonymous said...

You are truly one 'fucked-up' individual.

liberal supporter said...

Thanks anon! Which BT site did you post that comment at? I can't make a good guess, since your comment applies to most of them.